Code of ethics in electronic commerce
General information about the company
- Company Name: Ricardo Guadalupe Coronel Polanco
- Trade Name: Mouty jewelry
- Online store:
- Tax Address: Paseo degollado #55 int 28 Zip: 44100 Col Centro Guadalajara Jalisco
- Commercial Address: Avenida Republica 50 Int #321, Zona San Juan de Dios, 44360 Guadalajara, Jal.
- Federal Taxpayer Registry: COPR941216F98
Chapter I. General Provisions
Article 1. Object
This Code of Ethics regarding Electronic Commerce establishes the values and principles that Mouty Joyería must observe in activities related to electronic commerce carried out on its platform, in order to respect and promote the rights of the consumer, fostering a culture of responsible consumption, the promotion of consumer human rights, ethical and responsible digital advertising, the protection of vulnerable groups and self-regulation. This Code of Ethics regarding Electronic Commerce establishes the minimum standards, but not limited to, both commercial activities carried out in digital electronic media, as well as compliance verification mechanisms.
Article 2. Scope of application
The Code of Ethics regarding Electronic Commerce is voluntary and applicable to Mouty Joyería in transactions carried out through the use of digital electronic means in the national territory. Mouty Joyería undertakes to respect that the principles established in this Code are met in all its electronic commerce activities. This Code of Ethics in matters of Electronic Commerce will not be applicable to incidents or technical failures arising from fortuitous events or force majeure.
Likewise, this Code will not be applicable to financial service providers.
Article 3. Definitions
For the purposes of this Code of Ethics in matters of Electronic Commerce, it will be understood as:
- Adolescents: Adolescents are people between twelve years of age and less than eighteen years of age;
- Code: The Code of Ethics regarding Electronic Commerce;
- Electronic Commerce: Any economic transaction that involves the offering, marketing or sale of goods, products or services using digital, optical or any other electronic means through a digital information system;
- Consumer: The physical or legal person who acquires, makes or enjoys as the final recipient the goods, products or Consumer is also understood as the physical or legal person who acquires, stores, uses or consumes goods or services in order to integrate them into production processes. production, transformation, marketing or provision of services to third parties, only for the cases referred to in articles 99 and 117 of the Federal Consumer Protection Law;
- Personal Data: Any information concerning an identified natural person or A person is considered identifiable when his or her identity can be determined directly or indirectly through any information;
- Girls, boys and adolescents: Girls and boys are those under twelve years of age, and adolescents are people between twelve years of age and less than eighteen years of age. For the purposes of international treaties and the age of majority, children are those under eighteen years of age. old;
- Supplier: Ricardo Guadalupe Coronel Polanco in this Code referred to as Mouty Joyería.
- Advertising: Any form of commercial communication carried out by a supplier, which includes any process of creation, planning, execution and dissemination or transmission of advertising messages in order to promote the sale or consumption of goods, products or services;
- E-commerce platform:
- Virtual store: It is a space within a website, in which items are offered for sale.
Chapter I. General Provisions
Article 4. Constitutional, Conventional and Legal Regulations
Mouty Joyería will act in accordance with what is applicable and established in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the international human rights treaties to which Mexico is a party, as well as with the Federal Consumer Protection Law, in addition to being guided by the Standard Mexican Electronic Commerce (NMX-COE-001-SCFI-2018). In relation to this Code of Ethics, at all times you must comply with what is stipulated herein, in order to conduct yourself with respect and ethics to the rules that govern the development of your activities, particularly those that involve conflict that are generated with the consumers.
Article 5. Availability and collaboration with the authorities
Mouty Joyería will be willing to collaborate when consumers are affected. They will be responsible for the services they offer, with the scope specified in their terms and conditions, which must be clear, precise and easily accessible.
Article 6. Identity, payment and shipping or delivery mechanisms
Mouty Joyería on its e-commerce platforms makes at least the following available to consumers:
- Trade name, brand, denomination or company name, physical address in national territory, Federal Taxpayer Registry and telephone numbers, or other means of contact;
- Information about the procedure for acquiring the good, product or service, pointing out the sections where you can find their characteristics and restrictions;
- Information to the consumer of their right to revoke their consent regarding the transaction carried out, without any responsibility or justification;
- Mechanisms for return, replacement or exchange of goods, products or services;
- When they offer guarantees, they must inform about their term, which cannot be less than that provided for in the Law or the applicable legal provisions, as well as the applicable restrictions;
- Solution mechanisms for complaints or clarifications, including days and hours of service;
- Make known the age restrictions to use the virtual store or electronic commerce platform;
- The treatment that will be given to your personal data;
- Terms and conditions to which transactions will be subject;
- Easy-to-use payment and billing methods, implementing security measures proportional to the risks related to payments, including those arising from unauthorized access or use of personal data, deceptive commercial practices and identity theft;
- Total costs in national currency, including VAT, cross-border taxes, shipping cost;
- Proof of the commercial transaction, which must be provided to the consumer by the same means in which the transaction was carried out;
- The means to obtain the tax receipt or the commercial transaction receipt and, where appropriate, the procedure to request their correction, when appropriate and,
- The delivery method including costs, deadlines and shipping options.
Article 7. Terms and conditions
The terms and conditions will be in Spanish and within our page in a visible and easily accessible place for the Consumer.
The terms and conditions will be applicable to all purchases and services contracted on the electronic portal
Our electronic commerce platforms may provide access to hyperlinks whose purpose is to facilitate access, filing and printing of information in order to improve the experience and provide certainty to the consumer when using the site.
The application of the terms and conditions will be subject to the provisions of the Federal Consumer Protection Law. Consequently, the Consumer will enjoy all the rights recognized in the Law, in addition to those granted in these terms and conditions. All rights, duties, benefits and guarantees contained in the Federal Consumer Protection Law must be recognized and strictly applied by Mouty jewelry
The terms and conditions will contain at least the following information:
- General or particular contracting conditions applicable in each case;
- Validity period of offers and promotions and,
- Payment or delivery restrictions, conditions necessary for use or delivery and penalties for cancellation
Mouty Joyería will provide the consumer with adequate and clear information about the different goods, products or services, and may use images, audio and video, or any other tool it considers appropriate.
Chapter III. Digital advertising
Article 8. Principle of legality
The digital advertising handled by Mouty Joyería is truthful, verifiable, clear and free of texts, dialogues, sounds, images, brands, designations of origin and other descriptions that induce or may lead to error or confusion due to deceptive or abusive. Likewise, it adheres to the applicable regulations and, in a special way, respects the rights, obligations and principles recognized by the Federal Consumer Protection Law.
Article 9. Responsible digital advertising
The advertising developed as Mouty Joyería's e-commerce strategy must:
- Be adequately identifiable as such;
- Contain the advertiser's identity and contact details, and
- The virtual store or e-commerce platform must have a mechanism that allows the consumer to choose if they want to stop receiving commercial advertising.
Chapter IV. Data Protection
Article 10. General principles
Mouty Joyería adheres to the provisions of Article 16 of the Constitution, which recognizes the right that every person has to the protection of their personal data, access, rectification and cancellation thereof, as well as to express their opposition in the terms established. establish the applicable regulations. In this sense, Mouty Joyería has a Privacy Notice, as an accessible, secure, easy-to-understand mechanism, with simple and clear language that allows the Consumer to access all the information inherent to the treatment and protection that will be given to their personal data. .
Mouty Joyería includes on its platform, and throughout the purchase process, warning legends so that girls, boys and adolescents refrain from providing their personal data, without the authorization of their parents or guardians, so that the purchase is made directly for the latter.
Likewise, Mouty Joyería is obliged to verify the following:
- You must identify content directed only at adults;
- You must not directly encourage girls, boys and adolescents to purchase a good, product or service, taking advantage of their inexperience or gullibility, nor to persuade their parents or guardians, or the parents or guardians of third parties, to buy. the products or services in question;
- You must not, without justified reason, expose girls, boys and adolescents in dangerous situations;
- They will not publish on their websites illegal content, statements or visual presentations or that could cause mental, moral or physical harm to girls, boys and adolescents;
Chapter V. Human Rights
Article 11. Vulnerable groups
Mouty Joyería acquires a commitment to respect and protect the rights of older adults, girls, boys and adolescents, people with disabilities and indigenous people, as well as other people subject to discrimination, quickly resolving their conflicts or doubts and ensuring that the Advertising that is directed at them or that they may have access to promotes respect for dignity, equity, security and inclusion.
Chapter VI. Conflict resolution
Article 12. Self-regulation and own means to resolve conflicts
Mouty Joyería has its own mechanisms to resolve conflicts with consumers when there is a breach of the obligations established in the Federal Consumer Protection Law, in the Mexican Electronic Commerce Standard (NMX-COE-001-SCFI-2018). in this Code. Self-regulation is recognized as a reliable, impartial, efficient and safe mechanism for resolving conflicts related to commercial activities or practices carried out through digital electronic media.
Article 13. Alternative means of conflict resolution
Mouty Joyería will seek to resolve disputes with consumers through alternative means of conflict resolution. Mediation, conciliation and arbitration will be essential to reach quick agreements, a mechanism that is described in article 7. Regulations and policies applicable in the event of a dispute in the Mouty Joyería Online Store Adhesion Contract or through the procedures established by the Federal Attorney's Office. Consumer.
Article 14. Alternative means of conflict resolution